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Tear Troughs

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As we get older our natural collagen production decreases, volume and skin elasticity reduce causing our faces to change. One area that is commonly effected is our under our eyes.

The delicate skin under your eyes is already thinner and more sensitive – making it more susceptible to showing signs of ageing. Tear troughs (hollowing under the eye) is a common cosmetic concern but the good news is we offer effective treatment options.

The eyes are the first point of contact and a top focus for rejuvenation. We use lasers, skin tightening, fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, peels, and skincare to improve skin quality, tone, and volume for a refreshed, youthful appearance.

Book a Complimentary Consultation with one of our  Nurse Specialists or Dermal Therapists to find a solution to your under eye concerns.

About tear troughs

What Are Tear Troughs?

Tear troughs are depressions that manifest between the lower eyelid, nose and cheek. They can look hollow, and are sometimes accompanied by dark circles or bags. Generally people feel this concern makes them appear older than they are or leave them “tired looking”.

What Causes Them?

Tear troughs are usually not prominent in youth. As individuals age a combination of bone shrinkage, tissue volume loss and ligament tension cause the groove or trough to be more prominent. In some cases though it could also come down to genetic anatomy or be related to your general health.

What Can I Do?

Tear troughs are a major aesthetic concern for many. But they are treatable. At Brisbane Skin we offer two main treatment options of these – PRP and Dermal fillers. Come and talk to one of our experienced team who will listen to your concerns and customise a treatment plan especially for you.

Treatments for tear troughs

Dermal Filler Injections

Tear troughs can be reduced through the injection of temporary dermal filler above the eye socket bone.

The filler is massaged into the fatty tissues under the eye, filling the hollow from inside the skin. This lifts the tear trough up to the level of the lower eyelid and check, therefore smoothing the appearance of the area. The treatment refreshes the area by adding more volume and plumpness – essentially filling in the lose skin.

Who Should Get Dermal Fillers For Tear Troughs?

Any one looking for a non-surgical solution to their tear trough appearance could consider dermal fillers. Most people who opt for this treatment are in their mid thirties or older and are concerned that their tear troughs make them appear older than they are.

What To Expect

Before your treatment you’ll have a consultation with one of our trained medical team, where we determine the right treatment plan for you. This gives you the opportunity to find out more about the procedure, ask questions about fillers and allowa you to make an informed decision about the treatment.

On your treatment day dermal fillers are injected directly into the under-eye area. Often only a very small amount of dermal filler is required to achieve the desired result. Some patients may undergo a second treatment after 6 to 9 months.

Your treatment will take place in Brisbane Skin’s modern medical dermatology rooms. Dermal fillers are only administered by our highly trained staff, we firmly believe you should only trust your face to expert injectors.

The dermal fillers we use contain an anaesthetic, to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Multiple small injections are placed in the under-eye area to fill hollowed area evenly.

The procedure usually takes less than an hour and no downtime is needed following a tear trough treatment.

The Results

You will usually see a difference immediately – more volume and plumpness under your eyes will make you appear less tired. Some patients experience some very minor bruising or swelling due to the delicate nature of this area directly after the treatment. But this usually disappears within days.

Typically results last between 18 and 24 months. Although this differs from individual to individual.


Make sure that you are cleansing your eye area with gentle makeup remover.

We recommend using La Roche Posay’s Eye Makeup Remover with a cue tip to gently remove the dark eye makeup residue. Any force or friction will not help your eyes look fresh, so please remember to be gentle!

Cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser is a must. We recommend SkinCeuticals gentle or foaming cleanser, followed by the appropriate moisturiser for your skin type.

Our skin maintenance program developed by Dr Manoharan includes a combination of laser treatment, medical peels and a good home routine.

Especially for eyes, a quarterly PRP treatment is recommended, and dermal fillers will need to be topped up as the volume decreases. Each person is different and the length of time the dermal fillers will last will be different for everyone.

Lastly, don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids to keep your hydration at a maximum! Healthy skin needs lots of water!

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