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uvb phototherapy

UVB Phototherapy

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UVB phototherapy is a targeted light treatment that effectively reduces symptoms of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. By using specific wavelengths of UVB light, it helps to calm inflammation, slow abnormal skin cell growth, and even out skin tone, providing relief and improving skin health.

Find out more about UVB phototherapy and our approach to treatment in the information below. Or Book a Eczema, Psoriasis & Vitiligo Consultation with Dermatologist, Dr Mitch Robinson, via our Online Booking tab, using the Newstead dropdown.

Initial Dermatologist Consultation @ Newstead Clinic.

You must begin your skin journey with a dermatologist at Newstead, with the option to continue treatment conveniently at Newstead, Manly or North Lakes.

UVB Phototherapy Treatments

What is UVB Phototherapy?

This treatment exposes your body to safe UV light which has excellent healing properties. It stimulates pigment cells to produce melanin, in turn recolouring white patches of vitiligo, and also slows the growth of psoriasis affected skin cells.

What conditions can it treat?

Here at Brisbane Skin, we use UVB phototherapy for the treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema and Vitiligo.

What does the treatment look like?

Each treatment lasts from a only few seconds to a few minutes per treatment, and is required multiple times per week. You will be standing in a room surrounded by light for this period of time. It is totally painless, is warm but not hot, is over quickly and is bulk billed!

Each treatment is delivered through a completely automated state of the art delivery system that is programmed with your specific treatment program. This is reviewed throughout your treatment course by your dermatologist.

Is it safe?

The narrowband UVB 311 nm wavelength has been shown to be highly effective in reducing inflammation in vitiligo, psoriasis and some types of eczema, without significantly increasing your risk of skin cancer.

Is it effective?

Yes, this treatment has been used for a long time and is effective in approximately 80% of patients, especially in combination with prescription topical creams.

Is it expensive?

No – there is no out of pocket expense to you!

All UVB treatments are bulk billed and there is no out of pocket expense to patients other than when they require specialist review.

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