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skin cancer

Skin Cancer Checks

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An annual skin cancer exam is an important part of your health maintenance. Consult a Dermatologist or Skin Cancer Doctor at Brisbane Skin in Newstead, North Lakes or Manly, to perform your screening. Whether you have had excess sun exposure over time, or a few blistering sunburns, it is important to have your full body skin cancer examination. If our Dermatologist or Skin Cancer Doctor notices a suspicious spot, a skin biopsy may be performed.

If you believe you have a suspicious mole that requires evaluation from a Doctor, please contact us as soon as possible, we have appointments available.

Full Body Skin Checks

Our Dermatologists and Skin Cancer Doctors conduct a comprehensive assessment, carefully considering your medical history and addressing any specific concerns you may have. Your skin will undergo a thorough examination to detect any signs of skin cancers, and the results will be communicated directly to you. Should further evaluation or treatment be required, we will discuss the options with you transparently. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have about the diagnosis and proposed treatment plan during this process.

Biopsies & Excisions to Diagnose Skin Cancers

Biopsies are performed to confirm the presence of skin cancer. For non-melanoma skin cancers, small biopsies are typically conducted, while melanoma skin cancers may require larger excisional biopsies for confirmation.


Treatment of Melanoma & Non Melanoma Skin Cancers

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, we will outline a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Our clinic offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatment options to address skin cancer effectively. Most skin cancers can be successfully treated at our clinic without external referral, rest assured that we prioritise your health and well-being throughout the treatment process.

Skin Cancer Checks

Book a Skin Cancer Consultation to discuss your options – our experienced team will advise the best approach.

Book A Skin Check

Treatment of Precancerous Lesions

Our Dermatologists and Skin Cancer Doctors specialise in the early detection and treatment of skin cancers, including precancerous skin lesions. Identifying and addressing these lesions promptly is crucial, as they are prevalent among the Australian population and respond well to early intervention. Treatment options for both skin cancer and precancerous lesions vary based on factors such as size, type, depth, and location. In some cases, small skin cancers confined to the skin’s surface may only necessitate an initial biopsy to remove the growth entirely, without requiring further treatment.

Preventative Treatments

These treatments encompass prescription medications and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). Once a diagnosis is confirmed, we will discuss the suitability of these treatment modalities with you, tailoring our approach to best address your specific needs and circumstances.

Skin Cancer Check Fees

Skin Cancer Doctor Skin Check $170, Medicare rebate $80.10 (no referral required, code:36)

Dermatology Registrar Skin Check $205, Medicare rebate $38 (code:54)

Dermatologist Skin Check $260 Medicare rebate $40.85 (must have a valid referral) (code:105)

DVA patients are Bulk Billed – if alternate treatment required, patient may require preapproval from DVA.

Our difference is we have a team of Skin Cancer professionals at Brisbane Skin, and we can identify the subtle signs and symptoms of skin cancer.

About skin cancer

Actinic Keratosis (Solar Keratosis)

This is most common precancer that forms on skin damaged by chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and/or indoor tanning. Solar Keratosis often appears as small dry, scaly or crusty patches of skin. They may be red, light or dark tan, white, pink, flesh-toned or a combination of colours and are sometimes raised.

Basel Cell Carcinoma

This cancer can appear on the face, ears or neck as a small pearly or waxy bump. Alternatively a flat pink, red or brown lesion can appear on the trunk of your arms or legs.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This cancer can appear as a firm red bump, or alternatively as a rough scaly flat spot that may bleed and become crusty.


This cancer type can appear as a pigmented patch or bump, but can also be red or white. It can resemble a normal mole but usually will have a more irregular appearance.

Treatment for skin cancer

Who will be doing my skin check?

At our dermatology practice, we see our patients regularly for skin checks to ensure that any skin cancers and pre-cancerous changes are identified sooner rather than later. Patients can choose to be seen by any of the following doctors:

Specialist Dermatologist

A specialist dermatologist is a doctor who has undergone more than 4 years additional training exclusively in skin. They are the most highly trained specialist for all skin related conditions.

Dermatology Registrar

A dermatology registrar is a doctor who is currently completing their additional training exclusively in skin. They are the dermatologists of the future!

Skin Cancer Doctor

A skin cancer doctor is a doctor who has specialised as a General Practitioner and has a special interest, qualifications and experience in skin cancer. Seeing a skin cancer doctor can be an excellent way to be seen quickly as specialists usually have longer waiting periods.

Can I have treatments to reverse sun damage that's already been done?

There has been considerable research and development for skin cancer treatments over the past decade, which means that we can offer you a range of different treatment options!

These new treatments also mean that you can treat your skin cancers early, before they become dangerous and without leaving white marks from cryotherapy, or scars from surgery.

In your 20’s & 30’s is the best time to start preventative treatments.

If you have grown up in Australia, you are likely to have rough, dry or scaly patches starting to show on your skin in your 20’s & 30s. These are often actinic keratoses (AK), also known as sunspots, which are pre-cancerous lesions. Sunspots develop after years of high sun exposure, and are more common in people with fair skin.

They should not be ignored!

If you treat these with ablative lasers or photodynamic therapy, then you will be removing these sunspots before they ever turn into skin cancer. If you keep this maintained, you may find that you never need to have skin cancer surgery!

Read more about our preventative Fraxel and CO2 laser options or see us today!

I think I have skin cancer - Do I need surgery, or are there other options?

For certain skin cancers, surgery is the most appropriate option. However, for more superficial or pre-cancerous lesions, we also offer a unique combination of the latest treatment options in energy based devices.

Laser Treatment of Skin Cancers

We are fortunate enough to have one of the world’s leading laser dermatologists at Brisbane Skin, Dr Shobhan Manoharan, who specialises in the use of the latest technology of CO2 laser treatment to remove skin cancers without the need for surgery.

Pre-cancerous lesions and certain types of non-melanoma skin cancer of the face and lip can be treated with CO2 laser by Dr Manoharan, and then sunspots maintained with lighter Fraxel laser treatments to prevent the development of further skin cancers.

Photodynamic Therapy

Suitable for pre-cancerous lesions and certain types of superficial non-melanoma skin cancer, photo-dynamic therapy is an excellent alternative to traditional topical applications which can take up to 6 weeks to take effect. It requires 1-2 treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart and has much less downtime and side effects to other traditional treatments.

Topical Creams

Topical creams are an effective and cost-efficient way to treat early stage pre-cancerous lesions and some non-melanoma skin cancers. Treatment can take between 6 to 8 weeks and need to be carefully monitored to ensure there are no adverse reactions.


Cryotherapy is a traditional treatment for individual skin cancer lesions, however the risk of scarring is considerable and the aesthetic outcome is not desirable. We recommend this for non-visible areas of the body only and mainly for sunspots, not skin cancer.


Many skin cancers will require surgery due to the type of skin cancer or the level to which it has progressed before you visit us. We assess and treat Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma with the most appropriate surgical techniques, including complex flaps and grafts as required. Our surgical suites provide a comforting experience for all skin cancer surgical patients.

We also routinely follow our surgery with world-leading scar treatment procedures to ensure the best possible aesthetic outcome.

More about skin cancer surgery

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